Grace Corps was Started in 1996
In 1996, Grace Corps was commissioned by God to start a ministry that will make the schools in Haiti real mission fields, by promoting Christian Education throughout the nation.
In 1998, we were still simply providing toys to children limiting ourselves to having them to peak at the immensity of God’s Love and the wonder of his kindness. This, we think, we have done with fervor and passion. Many of these children are living in the poverty stricken slum of Carrefour.
One thing that appeared to be the common denominator with all of our activities, was that children,especially poor children, occupied an increasingly important place in our endeavor. Children need to know about Christ. If society should know any good, children would need to be brought to Christ. They are whole individuals with souls that need a Savior.
The scales fell from our eyes. We were given the golden opportunity to see as God sees. We were shown the way.”Insist on Christian Education”, seemed to have been the message, “for more than a mind, a heart for Christ is a terrible thing to waste.” Soon it was no longer a search for the ultimate goal, as far as what the Lord will have us do was concerned. We were convinced that whatever we do and however we ended up doing it, somewhere at the core of it all, the radiant light of Jesus Christ will shine, showing the way, through the cross, to peace with God(Rom5:1)
Grace Corps Power Point Presentation:
Grace Corps is truly committed to the wholistic approach in the field of Education. We have been urging our partner schools to develop the kind of education approach that will ensure the ecological well-being of Haiti as a country while promoting individual responsibility. We helped create ANGE (Association Nationale des Gradiens de l’Environment, trans. National Association of the Guardians of the Environment.) because we wanted to help the young people in the school system in Haiti to be aware of the danger that the way that the environment is treated in Haiti poses. Now Haiti, no matter the precautions taken, is no match for an earthquake of the magnitude 7.0. However, had the authorities been more careful about the building codes, creating and enforcing them, they would have saved many lives in the event of an earthquake such as the one that took place on Tuesday Jan 12th 2010.
Building collapsing in Haiti is a current event because of the poor conditions in which the government has allowed people to build their residences. Many a time we have gone public, exposing our lives to threats and hatred, with our opposition to the mediocrity that characterizes the way the Haitian Government conducts the affairs of the country. Yes, Haiti is a poor country but that does not give anybody the rights to use that as a badge of honor in order to lure millions of dollars from international aids that always constantly end up vanishing into foreign banks. Poverty is not to be blamed for well calculated carelessness. The real culprit is the lack of regard for human lives that start in Haiti from the very top of the social ladder.
Today, aids are pouring into the country from all over the world, but if people are allowed to erect buildings in the same manners and conditions that produced this catastrophe that should be considered misuse of the international donations and the government held responsible for not looking after the people who need the help the most. A crime against humanity is often the neglect that goes unnoticed and costs thousands of lives.

Let’s pray that Haiti is about to know its brightest day after the darkest hours, the grimmest nights of its history. God has not forgotten the land. Oh! Yes it is hard to believe that right at the present moment, but His faithfulness endures forever and, praise God! It doesn’t go up and down with our unstable feelings. In spite of it all, we have good reasons to believe that God is in charge. He has proven Himself over and over. He will again this time.